okay..ni nk cita la kan..
ak ngn ezza mmg plan nk cari keje sbb mse tu ktorg da start kering..
but x de masa nk g cari..lgpn bpe sen sgt la yg ktorg dpt if keje part time..
then 1 ari ak nmpk iklan kt tangga uma ak..
dorg nk pkai part time untk jge booth gmbar mse convo uitm..
actually bkn jge booth la,but promoter..or sales person laa..
then dy ckp ktorg kne keje 11 ari which is sepanjang hari convocation tu..
then dy akn bg basic RM300..eh,ok sgt la tu kn?
i mean,untk part time..bkn nye kne keje 8 jam..so bg ak ok la tu..
ktorg pun jmp la boss,nme dy abg sufian..
dy explain cmne nk tarik customer,ap package yg dorg offer,ap yg x ktorg x patut wt & kne wt..mcm2 la..
and dy ad mention psal basic RM300 tu and if dpt rmai customer,bnyk la komisyen yg ktorg akn dpt nnt..
then ak ckp la ktorg free ari2 certain days je..dy ckp x pe..
jnji dtg..cz if x dtg,ktorg la yg rugi sbb x dpt customer..
so ktorg pun start la keje ari sabtu ptg tu..
mle2 mmg x pndai..asek bg flyers kt org je..lgsung x promote ap2..
then nk ujung2 tu bru la dpt jual kt customer..
okay la untk 1st day..ktorg keje 3-7 ptg je..
x de la pnat sgt..then esok nye ktorg dtg awl..smangat la kononnye..
okay..ari tu mmg penat gila..start kul 10 until 7..
even lme,but ktorg btl2 keje 11-2 and 4-7..yg len tu ktorg lepak je..
yg wt jd penat is kt tapak convo tu mmg panas bak hang..
sumpah panas dy x leh nk hadap..ngn rmai org lg..
sesak! tp tahan je la..nk cri customers pny psal..
at first,mmg seronok keje ngn dorg..
staff dy mostly bdk part time jgk..sume baik2..gila2..
mmg fun kalo lepak ngn dorg..kt sne plak,ari2 boss akn blanje lunch..
so mmg rse mcm kami ni dijaga dgn baik la..
then start rse nk compete ngn yg lain..
masing2 berlumba nk kumpul sales..da x kesah da panas ke ap..
jnji dpt sales,dpt la komisyen..
masuk ari yg ke 5 cm tu,ktorg da start penat..
berkejar dri kelas nk ke tapak convo..bkn nye dkt beb..jauh!
dah la bas susa nk dpt time2 convo tu..
kadang2 ngn baju kurung nye,trus je redah naik atas tu,& start keje..
sume sbb nk keja sales..
mlm plak,mmg abis kul 7..but kalo lmbt sikit je,mmg x dpt bas la..
sbb mse tu maghrib kn..so dlm kul 8 bru bas ad blk..
so just imagine ktorg kne berjalan dri DATC ke seroja sbb nk tggu bas..jauh kot..gila btl..tp tahan je la..nk wt canne kn..
then disebab kn ktorg bnyk bercakap,menjerit tarik customer,and mybe sbb cuaca yg sgt terik mnyebab kn kami dehydrated..mungkin..
so ak ngn ezza hampir ilang suara..
ktorg batuk teruk,suara bertukar jantan..urghh..seksa beb!
lg2 bila nk explain kt each customer psal package ktorg..
mmg kena gelak je la cte nye..cehh~
smp 1 tahap tu,ktorg da lali ngn panas,penat,sakit tekak sume..
and ktorg da start syg kt sume staff kt sne,,
rse mcm 1 family & terfikir nk join dorg lg for the next uitm convocation..
haaa..smp cm tu skali kan..over taw..
so final day is quite sedih jgk la nk tinggal kn dorg..
but at the same time,super excited nk dpt gaji..
just imagine,RM300 beb..blm campur komisyen lg..
keje 11 ari je..ktorg bajet paling brengsekk pun dpt RM500 kot..
then ktorg pun tggu je la duit gaji tu masuk..
until one day,mse tu cuti mid sem kalo x silap..
ak tergerak ati nk check balance dlm bank..guess what? gaji da msuk..
TAPI..cuma RM330 SAHAJA..like,seriously?
then ak tny waida & ezza..dorg blm dpt lg..
so ak fikir mybe tu duit dri abah kot..mybe duit sewa uma ak..
then lusa from that date,ezza & waida ckp yg dorg pun dpt RM300 something..
none of us dpt more than that..
then ktorg bajet mybe dy bg duit basic dlu kot..
mybe dorg x smpt kira lg our komisyen..
then ktorg tggu lg..then try la tny part timers yg lain..
ade yg dpt RM250 je..the we realized that mmg tu la gaji yg ktorg dpt..
means that,ktorg da kena tipu!
okay..if dy bayar per hour yg ktorg keje,dy nk cas bpe?
RM3 sejam? thats bulshit! is RM3 sejam pun,campur komisyen ktorg boleh dpt paling2 RM400..seriously..
and yg pelik nye..the three of us dpt amount yg sama..
sedangkan jumlah sales ktorg berbeza everyday..
so,x masuk akal la if gaji ktorg sama..
ktorg da try kol blk boss & complain psal hal ni..
dy ckp dy akn check blk..but until now,NOTHING..
sunyi senyap mcm tu je..
mmg sepatut b4 dorg bank in gaji tu,ktorg kne dtg office dorg untk tgk amount & all the calculation untk gaji tu..
but mse tu ktorg ad klas..which ktorg x leh nk wt ap..
and ktorg x expect pun jd mcm ni,so ktorg pcaya je la..
ble da jd mcm ni,ktorg try gk tny but no answer..
u see..ap yg wt ak mara sgt is,ktorg sggup wt ap je untk kerja tu..
to be honest,ktorg ad la skip klas sbb nk g keje..
ak ngn ezza smp demam2,ilang suara bagai..
at the end,ap yg ktorg dpt?
ak x sure sama ade ktorg kne tipu,or what..
tp smp skrg ak x leh trima ak yg ktorg dpt after ktorg da bertungkus-lumus tlg dorg naik kn sales..
Allah tu maha mengetahui..kalo mcm ni la cara korg wt business,hmm..
shame on you,people..
enjoy the money that you cheat..
if any staff or even the boss sendiri baca entry ni,dont blaim us..
if u have better explanation,then u should explain at the first place when we called u and asked bout the gaji..am i right?
if mmg ade sala phm bcuz of miss communication,plz let us know..
at least x de la ktorg nk fikir bukan2 psal korg..mybe ktorg boleh phm npe gaji ktorg sikit mcm tu..bnd boleh bincang kan?
ni x..ktorg da tny elok2,then tergantung mcm tu je..
1st & last la ak keje ngn kau..family konon..
at first ktorg da plan nk bergambar kt booth kau ble ktorg convo degree nnt..
but dah jd mcm ni,sory to say la..
nk tgk muka korg pun x lalu..well,good luck in your business..
may Allah bless you..
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