Happy Reading Guys!

Happy Reading Guys!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

grad! :D

30 disember yg lepas,klas ak ad wt dinner..
graduation dinner merangkap reunion..
sbb ktorg da lme sgt x jmp since abis diploma ari tu..
so ni ad sket gmbar..
*ps : gmbr terlalu bnyk..ak mls nk susun..if korg pening tgk,sory lah ye..

atikah & suhaila nga siap kn door gift.. :)

door gift yg da siap! macaroon! :)

cute sign yg di sponsor oleh kak feefa.. :)

another cute props,juga di sponsor oleh kak feefa.. :)

org kuat blkg tabir yg bertungkus-lumus mnguruskn dinner ni..good job girls! :)

hero2 yg hadir mlm tu..hee

 table setting..dinner ni kt Concorde Hotel..

 best dress award's winner! :D

 me & makcik! :D

bacaan doa from abg long.. :)

gedik lebih.. =='

kami..tema dinner warne kuning.. :)

 main tuka2 hadiah..mcm zman2 skola gila! :D

 autograph book..pun mcm zaman2 skola dlu..

 buddy's for life! :')

 meet the ladies..ouh..& seketul haikal di tgh2..haha

appetizer mlm tu.. :)

sy selaku juri sedang sebok mengira undi untuk best dress award..haha

finally! yeah~

hadiah2 untuk acara tuka2 hadiah..phuuii~ ap pny ayat lah.. =='

me & ezza..and we looooove our shoes! :D

 nur di wajah..haha

yelow :)

our big family.. :)

dessert mlm tu.. :)

love them! :')

 autograph book's cover..sooo cute!

 im a chef! :)

 main course untuk mlm tu.. :)

jamban.. :D

peace yo!

mr potaaatoo~

with the DIVA.. :D

hadiah yg ak dpt mlm tu..bear from haikal & book mark from kak feefa.. :)

esok nye,ktorg g i-city..
ad photo shoot..sje2 je gatai upah photographer amik gmbr ktorg..
penat gilaaa..dah la panas terik..
tp rse nye hasil nye nnt berbaloi kot,,
ni some pict yg ak smpat snap..
again,ak mls nk susun..tgk je la..jgn nk bnyk songeh..

jln kaki je g sne..huu..sedih!

sampai suda..1st time jejak kaki kt i-city..again,SEDIH!

muka excited masing2..haha

im gonna miss u,best friend! :'(

besties! :)

iym,u owe me for this lovely pict! haha

nak jugakkkk...haha

da mcm ap je..

tgh2 ari panas terik berjubah segala..mmg x de keje! haha

comel nye dy tiup belon..haha

sun flower.. :)

props yg sgt comel! thnks to kak feefa.. :)

model sedang beraksi dpn photographer..haha

bubble soap..cute sgt! :)

bubble soap tu terbang ikut suka dy je.. =='

suka gila..cntik..

colourful of friendship.. :')

nk balik dah..nnt convo bru dpt jmp lg..sedih.. :(

actually gmbr kt i-city ni sume dri phone ak..
yg len kne tggu dri photographer..dy nk edit dlu..
well,basically tu je la..
2 hari yg sgt2 memenatkan!
tp,totally worth it.. :)
love it!

1 comment:

nOdaMe said...

Hi couzen,

Best tgk korunk siap organized graduation dinner..alangkah bgusnyer klu kitorg ley wat mcm tu sblm kitorg grad ari tu, the way, nice pic you have there..yeah, friendship means forever, right?hehe, take care and keep in touch ^^