okay..entry kali ni,nk cte bout 1 couple ni..
act bnd ni jd 2 ari yg lpas..tp bru skrg smpt nk share kt sni..
so,cm ni cte nye..
mse ak on the way blk dri umah LYN,(dlm tren) ade sorg minah india ni dok kt blkg seat ak..
ak prasan hp dy bnyk kali bbunyi..
ble dy angkat,dy cm mara2 org yg kol dy 2..
ak mls nk amik taw..wt bodo je laa..
then ble da nk smp kt stesen tg malim,tbe2 minah 2 cuit bahu ak..dy ckp:
"dik,bley mntk 1 credit x?nk ant msg..urgent la.."
ak pn x de masalah,bg je la dy..
then lme dy menaip..
taw2,da smp kt tg malim,dy still menaip..
so ak tepakse la mntk hp..
tp dy smpt gk ant msg 2..
then ble ak smp umah,tbe2 ade msg masuk...
ak rse 2 bf minah india td..
then ak tgk sent item..minah 2 anta:
"i hurt many already from u..and u force,blame this girl i will see u will cry one day later..u rindu2 that anak yatim u will got difficult life mr swaran! u dont come when i die..and im not your fucking wife can do drama and i not lie all people respect me cz im a good girl..bye!"
then dlm 1 mnit lpas 2,bf dy rply:
"yah rite! thats why u use new number..makes u a good girl,fuck u laa! go and die,i dont care a damn thing u say..i dont believe a single words!"
then ak mls r nk msuk cmpur..
akik x rply pn msg bf dy 2..
agknye bf dy ingt ni number bru gf dy & gf dy x nk rply msg dy..
so dy kol no ak..ak tkot nk angkt..
lg pn ak pk,mybe dy kol 2-3 kali jew..
tp x,dkat 10 kali gk la dy kol..
rimas lak aku!
then x tahan,ak ant msg kt bf minah 2:
"sory,if u cari kawan u,dy x de..cz td dlm tren dy pnjm credit i nk msg u..now i already at home..so if u nk cari dy,just try cntct number dy & pliz jgn kaco number ni lg..i dnt know anything bout her..hope u undrstand..thnks.."
then,mamat 2 x kol or msg ak lg daa..
lega..x pasal2 lak ak tlibat..
seb baik mamat 2 phm..
kalo x naye! huhu
apsal tak layan je fara??
untung badan dapat bf mcm salman khan! :)
damn..x nk ak!
x kuase makk..
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